Benefits & Resources

TFA’s goal is to rep­re­sent the peo­ple in the for­est sec­tor by pro­mot­ing healthy polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic cli­mates, and to encour­age sus­tain­able for­est man­age­ment, which pro­vides clean air, clean water, diverse wildlife habi­tat, and prod­ucts that enrich all our lives.

What TFA Does for You?

  • LOB­BIES IN AUSTIN for envi­ron­men­tal, forestry and oth­er issues affect­ing tim­ber­lands, trans­porta­tion and more.
  • SUP­PORTS PRO-FORESTRY STATE LEG­IS­LA­TORS through the Forestry Polit­i­cal Action Com­mit­tee (FOR­PAC).
  • ASSISTS WITH PRE­SERV­ING THE TIM­BER PRO­DUC­TIV­I­TY TAX LAW of Texas and assists with tim­ber clas­si­fi­ca­tions for tax­a­tion; sup­ports fair com­pe­ti­tion for your for­est prod­ucts at home and abroad; keeps watch on reg­u­la­to­ry issues.
  • PRO­VIDES REWARDS for infor­ma­tion lead­ing to the arrest and con­vic­tion of any­one steal­ing or van­dal­iz­ing a TFA member’s equip­ment, prop­er­ty or tim­ber; or for arson in the forests.
  • PUB­LISH­ESBI-MONTH­LY MAG­A­ZINE to keep you informed on forestry issues.
  • SPON­SORS MEET­INGS AND WORK­SHOPS to pro­vide you with the lat­est infor­ma­tion on forestry and relat­ed subjects.
  • PRO­VIDES TEACHER EDU­CA­TION PRO­GRAMS to help teach our lead­ers of tomor­row that the forestry com­mu­ni­ty is envi­ron­men­tal­ly respon­si­ble and an inte­gral part of our dai­ly lives.
  • PRO­VIDES LANDOWN­ER OUT­REACH AND LOG­GER TRAIN­ING through the Sus­tain­able Forestry Ini­tia­tive (SFI) Com­mit­tee to increase envi­ron­men­tal aware­ness and sus­tain­able forestry practices.
  • And much more!

TFA Mem­ber Discounts

Out­door Underwriters

TFA part­ners with Out­door Under­writ­ers to pro­vide the TFA Insur­ance Pro­gram exclu­sive­ly for mem­bers of Texas Forestry Association.

Go to TXFA Mem­ber Insur­ance Pro­gram to learn more about their insur­ance offer­ings or email txfa@​outdoorund.​com for an application.

 Benefits & Resources

Forestry Sup­pli­ers offers a dis­count to mem­bers of Texas Forestry Asso­ci­a­tion. Through their online cat­a­log, Forestry Sup­pli­ers fea­tures thou­sands of qual­i­ty prod­ucts for forestry, envi­ron­men­tal sci­ence, surveying/​engineering, hor­ti­cul­ture, grounds main­te­nance, edu­ca­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als and more.

To take advan­tage of the dis­count, TFA mem­bers can access the key code (pro­mo code) from the Mem­bers Area of the TFA web­site. Go to www​.tex​as​forestry​.org and click the Mem­ber Por­tal area on the upper right side and login with your user­name and pass­word. Or, email tfa@​texasforestry.​org and we will ver­i­fy your mem­ber­ship and send you the code.