These are a few impor­tant bills that TFA and TFA mem­bers worked on in past years:

  • Assist­ed in pass­ing a bill that allows log trucks to car­ry 84,000 lb. GVW loads with a per­mit — 2013
  • Assist­ed in pass­ing the Tim­ber Bill of Sale law — 2001
  • Assist­ed in pass­ing the Texas Refor­esta­tion & Con­ser­va­tion Act pro­vid­ing tax incen­tives for refor­esta­tion and restrict­ed use areas — 1999
  • Assist­ed in pass­ing a tres­pass law allow­ing pri­vate landown­ers to post their prop­er­ty using pur­ple” paint — 1997
  • Assist­ed in pass­ing a refor­esta­tion bill that encour­ages landown­ers to plant trees in open space land by main­tain­ing the cur­rent agri­cul­ture tax val­ues for the first fif­teen years from plant­i­ng before increas­ing the tax to the high­er tim­ber pro­duc­tiv­i­ty val­ue — 1997