SFI Inc. is an independent, nonprofit organization that is solely responsible for maintaining, overseeing and improving the internationally recognized Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) program.
Across Canada and the United States, more than 350 million acres (140 million hectares) are certified to the SFI forest management standard, the largest single forest standard in the world. Currently in Texas, 2.5 million acres are SFI certified.
The SFI program's unique fiber sourcing requirements promote responsible forest management on all suppliers' lands. In Texas, 17 forest products manufacturers maintain the SFI fiber sourcing certificate and 107 companies across Texas carry the SFI chain-of-custody (COC) certificate. SFI on-product labels identify both certified sourcing and COC claims to help consumers make responsible purchasing decisions.
Texas Forestry Association, through its SFI State Implementation Committee, is leading the implementation of SFI in Texas. Other active participants are forest resource companies, forest products companies, the Texas A&M Forest Service and other organizations and members of the forestry community.
What Does SFI Mean to You
Texas SFI is promoting forest stewardship on several fronts:
Texas Forestry Association encourages private landowners to practice sustainable forestry by following Best Management Practices to protect soil and water resources; reforest following a final harvest; promote wildlife on their property; and much more. The SFI Committee sponsors educational workshops throughout east Texas to educate landowners on the importance of practicing sustainable forestry.