Having clean, healthy, and productive forest ecosystems is the premier mission of the members of the Texas Forestry Association (TFA). TFA has been a conservation organization since 1914 and today TFA works for the people who grow, manage, harvest, process, and use the forest resources of Texas. Our members include:
• Industrial and Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners
• Private Consultant, Industry, and Agency Foresters
• Loggers/Truckers
• Corporate and Private Manufacturing Mills
• Service providers like Tree Planters, Site Prep Contractors, and Prescribed Burn Managers
TFA’s goal is to represent the people in the forest sector by promoting healthy political and economic climates, and to encourage sustainable forest management which provides clean air, clean water, diverse wildlife habitat, and products that enrich all our lives. Texas has about 12.1 million acres that is suitable for commercial forestry where 83 million trees are replanted each year. Active forest management is the number one way to sequester carbon from the atmosphere and mitigate wildfire risks. Timberland in East Texas is 88% privately owned and over half is owned in smaller tracts by family forest owners.
Our Mission Statement
- To promote an economic, social, and political climate that will advance forestry in Texas;
- Through education, political action, and public relations, promote the understanding and acceptance of forest conservation practices throughout the state;
- To serve the broad needs of the forest resource of landowners, producers, and consumers; and
- To enhance and perpetuate the Texas forest resource.